Tuesday 28 February 2012

More Info on Vodun Cosmology

In the Daxomean Vodun, the creator is known by many names. One of the most powerful accolades for the creator in Fongbe is Dada Segbo. Loosely translated this means "the great Se". The se is the essence of life. It permeates all things, people, events and phenomenon. Each person has a se in which is contains his/her destiny. This includes accumulated experiences from past lives and the like.

Read more here Vodun Cosmology


  1. Great post and wonderful blog!!! I know the author of this article. I remember it even though he must have removed it from the New Afrikan Vodun website. I can be reached at daklogangx@gmail.com. I look forward to speaking with you and I can put you in contact with the author.

  2. Also the author has books on our beloved Vodun tradition at www.restorationhealing.com/kilombo_vodun_books

    Also more on the level of what you are doing here please check out the author's other site called Roots Readings www.rootsreadings.com
    The site for their monarchy, Ganlodo Xotome, can be reached at www.ganlodokingdom.com

    I want to say that this blog is very unique and I love the fact the family is involved in our traditions and so connected with heritage. Akplogan Abenaa Ganlodo


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